Saturday, 27 August 2011

B KB MB GB TB Converter


..... Simple Calculation .....
1 TB = 1024 GB
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 KB = 1024 Byte

Have you ever been confused about the number of kilobytes in a megabyte, or in a gigabyte or vice-versa? Now you can convert among bytes and kilobytes and megabytes and gigabytes and terabytes with ease.

Technical note:  These terms are those used most commonly and is the binary system, and you can be comfortable using it.   The binary system is a base 2 system in which a bit is a binary digit, either a 1 or a 0, and a byte equals 8 bits.  There is also a decimal (or "denary") system, in which a kilobyte = 1,000 bytes instead of 1024 bytes, and they say it is a kibibyte that equals 1024 bytes.  They also use the terms gibibytes (GiB), Mebibytes (MiB), and Tebibytes (TiB).    This is the system of the International System of Units (SI).  The binary system is a base 2 system used by operating system makers such as Microsoft and Apple and also is used on CD-ROMs and flash drives; the decimal system is a base 10 system, used by makers of hard drives and DVDs.  There also is an octal number system (base 8) and a hexadecimal system which is a base 16 system. The latter two are used by computer programmers, and are popular because they make it convenient to abbreviate binary numbers which can get to be quite long.
Created By Kalpesh Mapelkar

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Create a folder without name in your computer

1. Select any folder
2. Right click on
it,press rename or
simply press f2
3. Press and hold alt
key while holding alt
key type no. 0160
from numpad
4. Press enter and
nameless file and
folder will be created
use numpad not simple horizontal number keys
U can create any amount of folder.Just you need to it is that after pressing 255 leave
the alt key and then again press alt +'0160' and then enter

Create a keyboard shortcut to open a folder..

1) right-click the
folder to which you
want instant access,
click Send To, and
then click Desktop.
2) On your desktop,
right-click the new
shortcut, and then
click Properties.
3) On the Shortcut tab, click in the Shortcut key box. Now
press the letter on your keyboard that you want to use to
open the folder.
Note: In the Shortcut key box, Microsoft Windows XP automatically adds CTRL+ALT
before the key you press, because to use the shortcut to open a folder, you have to
hold down both the CTRL and ALT keys simultaneously, while pressing the letter you
chose. This way, your folder won't open every time you type that letter.

Using this method, a user can shutdown, restart, hibernate, etc. his or her computer, just by sending an email from his or her phone. To do this, al

1. First, you need the
batch files to perform
the Shutdown,
Hibernate etc. You
can write them down
2. open your note pad
and write lik this...
c:\windows\system32\shutdown -s -f -t 00
and save it as shutdown.bat
3. Open up Microsoft Outlook. Make sure that you have already configured it for your
email.Now we will need to make it so that Outlook checks your inbox about every
minute (1 minute for testing time can be increased if a delayed shutdown is desired).
You can do this by going to Tools: Options.
4. Then click the Mail Setup tab, and afterwards, the Send/Receive button.
5. Make sure that the Schedule an automatic send/receive every... box is checked,
and set the number of minutes to 1. Now you may close all of these dialog boxes.
6. Now go to Tools: Rules and Alerts... Next click the options button in the upper
right hand corner and press the Import Rules button.
7. Now select the shutdown.bat file ...whi u hv created ...
8. Now, when you send a message from your phone to your e-mail address with the
subject shutdown or smsshutdown%%, your computer will shutdown.
Note:This one is little tough keep practising..

Want to remove folder option from tools menu...?

1) Start,Run type gpedit.msc
2) (follow that path) Administrative
Templates - windows component -
windows explorer - Remove file menu
item from the tolls menu
3) double click on "Remove file menu
item from the tolls menu" and select
disable option
4) click on apply & ok .
"Now users cannot modify the look of the folders, change folder settings,
or apply hidden folder option

Hide desktop icons & lock Right-click on desktop.

To hide all Desktop
Icons from Explorer,
use the following
Windows NT /
Windows 2000 /
Windows XP
Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies
Name: NoDesktop
Value: 1
With this key enabled, in addition, you cannot right click on the desktop to get a
context menu. This is a lockdown option.
it works for Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Windows NT and Windows XP have the
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies \Explorer key by default.
>>To hide all Desktop Icons from Explorer but still enable right-clicking on the
desktop there is the following steps :
Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer \Advanced
Name: HideIcons
Value: 1
dats all have fun..

Create Multiple folders with same name.

Step 1: Select a folder
Step 2: Click on f2 or
select rename.
Step 3: Give name to
the folder.
Step 4: Select another
folder click on f2 and
give same name to the
folder and before
pressing enter or
clicking to folder, press
alt key + '255' from
num pad that is from right side of key board.
Note:Keep on holding on alt key untill u press 255.
Update:U can create any amount of folder.Just you need to it is that after pressing
255 leave the alt key and then again press alt +'255' and then enter.
folder one rename to xyz
foder two rename to xyz 'press alt key'+255

Brand Windows with Your Name.....

want to give your
name with adders,
Email id & many
more to windows on
your pc......?
open notepad copy
paste the following
lines into it and save
it with the name
OEMINFO.INI on that path "c:\windows\system32:"
Manufacturer=Your Name Here
Model=Your Model Here
[Support Information]
Line1=Your Name Here
Line2=Your Address Here
Line3=Your Email Address Here
1. Save the file.
2. Then make a right click on my computer select properties, in the general tab a
button will be highlighted (support information) make a click on it, you will be able to
see the changes.
3. Now if you want to display some more information then simply increase the line in
the file.
ex: Line4=Your Working Hours Here

How to Disable Autorun of Usb & Cd drives.

Many people are fade
up by the autorun of
usb and cds i am
having a computer
trick so that you can
get rid of this problem
To disable autorun of
usb and cd drives follow following steps:
Go to run and type gpedit.msc command
You will see the Group Policy window. Then select Administrative Templates \
System in the treeYou will see an item in the right side pane called “Turn off Autoplay”
Double click on that item, and set the radio button to Enabled, and change the “Turn
off Autoplay on” to All Drives.

Change Your Processor Name.


Set a Website as your desktop Background.

Here is an simple but interesting trick for Windows.
You can set a Website(Webpage) as your desktop
The site in
background works as
a normal site and
opens the link in new
window.Now u can
search all your
google querries on
your desktop itself.
1: Right click your desktop and go display Properties.
2: Select Desktop Tab, Click on "Customize Desktop".
3: In Desktop Items window Select "Web" tab.
4: Click on "New", add ur websites url and complete the wizard.
5: Apply setting and OK.

To hide the Drives OF a computer SIMPLE TRICK.

1)press windows key + r it will open run
2)in run type cmd and press enter now u r in command
type "diskpart" (without quotes)
now you will enter into diskpart prompt ( like this
3) type list volume
it will display all the drives (hard disc ,DVD ,REMOVABLE DISKS)1
4) select one drive
for example
i have selected drive G
and its volume number is
to do it
type select volume 7
now the feedback volume 7 is selected will be displayed after that command
5) to remove or hide the drive
do this
type remove letter G
as G is the label for volume 7
6) to reassign or unhide the HIDDEN DRIVE
type assign letter G
thats it drive will reappear ..
ALL the above steps in one example
type cmd
DISKPART:>list volumes
DISKPART:>select volume 7
DISKPART:>remove letter G
the above is to remove or hide drive
to unhide the drive ,instead of last step do this one
DISKPART:>assign letter G

Add admin user to welcome screen.

Start the Registry Editor Go to:
Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ SpecialAccounts
\ UserList \
Right-click an empty space in the right pane and select New
> DWORD Value Name the new value Administrator. Doubleclick
this new value, and enter 1 as it's Value data. Close
the registry editor and restart.
*Note:Note down previous value for precaution.

Hide shutdown option from computer.

Wanna play with your friends by removing the shutdown option from start menu in
their computer.

Rename your recycle bin.

To change the name of
the Recycle Bin desktop
icon, open Regedit and
go to:
and change the name "Recycle Bin" to whatever you want (don't type any quotes).

Block usb drive of computer.

To this what can be done is that the USB can be blocked and then stopping the use
of USB drives. Here is a simple registry trick to do so, try it with care.
1. Go to Start –> Run, type Regedit.
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlset\Servic es\USBStor
3. In the right pane, look for value Start and have value as 0000000(3)
4. Double click on that and change that value to 4.
You might be required to restart the computer, and then you are done with it, USB is
now blocked.
In case if you want to get the USB unblocked, just change the value again to 3

Give background to your Pendrive

Copy the below code in notepad nad save it as desktop.ini
VeBRA sources - don’t delete the tag above, it’s there for XXXXX purposes -
Replace the text your “picturename.jpg” with your picture name for example “sea.jpg”
put desktop.ini and your chossen picture in your usb drive and hide it.
Now refresh and enjoy

Save any media on a web page.

Quickly save any media including embedded
content to an alternate source by rightclicking
on a page click "View Page Info",
click the Media tab, locate the media file you
wish to save and click the Save As button.
Note: This does not work all media because of how it may be handled by the
website. For example, this will not work with YouTube videos.

Change the Drive letters(c:,d:,Z:)

1)Go to Start->Control
Disk management
3)Right click the partition
whose letter you want to
4)Click the change drive
letter and paths
From here you can
change or delete the
drive name.......

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Steps to Install SQL Server 2008

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Release to Manufacturing (RTM) was released in the August 2008. There are different versions of SQL Server 2008 available such as Enterprise, Standard, Workgroup, Web, Express, Compact and Developer editions. The trial version of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 can be downloaded from the following link This article describes the steps needed to install a standalone instance of SQL Server 2008.

Prerequisites for SQL Server 2008
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 setup requires Windows Installer 4.5 and .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 to be installed. The Windows Installer 4.5 and .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 can be installed independently or it can be installed by double clicking SETUP.EXE within SQL Server 2008 installation media. Both Windows Installer 4.5 and .Net Framework setups are also available in :x86redist folder of installation media. Once Windows Installer 4.5 and .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 is installed the system requires a restart of the operating system.

Steps for Installing SQL Server 2008
1. On the server where SQL Server 2008 is being installing, login with administrative privileges and then insert the SQL Server 2008 installation media. From the root folder double click setup.exe. If SQL Server 2008 prerequisites are not meet then the installation wizard will prompt to install the prerequisites. Once the prerequisites are installed and the server is restarted, rerun the setup.exe to resume the installation.

2. On the SQL Server Installation Center Planning screen run “System Configuration Checker” to look for any potential issues that can prevent the successful installation of SQL Server 2008. If any issues are discovered then they must be fixed before continuing with the wizard.

3. To install SQL Server 2008 32 bit edition on a 64 bit operation system (WOW) mode, first go to SQL Server Installation Center’s Option screen and choose x86 as the processor type as shown in the snippet below.

4. Click on SQL Server Installation Center’s Installation screen. To create a new installation of SQL Server 2008 click on “New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation” link as shown in the snippet below.

5. This will run the Setup Support Rules to identify problems that might occur when installing SQL Server Setup support files. If there are any issues discover then it must be fixed before continuing with the wizard. If there are no issues discovered then click OK to continue with the installation.

6. On the Product Key screen choose to install SQL Server 2008 as an Evaluation Edition or specify the product key received and then click Next to continue with the installation. One important thing to note is that the installation setup for all SQL Server 2008 editions is same. The installation varies depending upon the product key which is provided.

7. In License Terms screen, read the license agreement and then select the check box at the bottom of the page to accept the licensing terms and conditions of the product. Click Next to continue with the wizard.

8. In the Setup Support Rules screen it will identify problems that can occur when you are installing SQL Server Support files. If there are any issues discovered then they must be fixed before continuing with the wizard. Click Next to continue with the wizard. 

9. On the Feature Selection Screen, select the components of SQL Server 2008 which are to be installed. A brief description about each feature is shown in the right side panel when each feature is selected. The different components which are available for install within SQL Server 2008 are mentioned below.
  • Database Engine Services 
  • Analysis Services
  • Reporting Services
  • Business Intelligence Development Studio
  • Client Tools Connectivity
  • Integration Services
  • Client Tools Backwards Compatibility
  • Client Tools SDK
  • SQL Server Books Online
  • Management Tools
  • SQL Server Connectivity SDK
  • Microsoft Sync Framework

10. On the Instance Configuration screen, specify whether to install SQL Server 2008 as a default edition or as a named instance. If installing SQL Server 2008 as a default instance then the Name and Instance ID will be MSSQLSERVER. On the same screen choose the instance root directory where SQL Server 2008 needs to be installed. Click Next to continue with the installation.

11. Next on the Disk Space Requirement screen you will be able to see the disk space which is required for the installation of SQL Server 2008. If there are any issues with the disk space then it needs to be fixed to continue with the installation.

12. In Server Configuration screen configure both Service Accounts information and Collation. In the Service Account tab, provide the service account details under which SQL Server services should run. Within the same screen specify the startup type for each of the SQL Server services. There are three startup type options available and they are Automatic, Manual & Disabled. Next click the Collations tab and select the appropriate collation value as per the requirements or else choose the default value as per the operating system. Click Next to continue with the installation.

13. On Database Engine Configuration “Account Provisioning” tab specify the authentication mode and administrators for the database engine.
Authentication Mode: – SQL Server supports two authentication modes, Windows and Mixed Mode Authentication. If selecting Mixed Mode Authentication then a very strong password must be used for the SQL Server System Administrator account.

SQL Server Administrators: – other system administrators may be added. To add an account, under the current installation of SQL Server 2008 running as a SQL Server System Administrator, click on “Add Current User” button. To add other users then click on “Add” button and follow the process. To remove a user from the list, then click the user and then click the “Remove”.

Click on Database Engine Configuration “Data Directories” tab to specify non default installation directory. It’s possible to place System Databases, User Databases, User Databases Log, TempDB Data, TempDB Log and Backup directory in a different directory other than the default.  It’s a good practice to store database log files on a separate disk from database files. Performance may be improved as log file I/O’s are sequential and database file I/O’s are random. It is also advised to keep TempDB related data and log files on a separate log file itself to improve performance.

Next click on Database Engine Configuration “FILESTREAM” tab to enable FILESTEAM feature for the instance of SQL Server. Refer to the previous article titled Configure Filestream in SQL Server 2008 to read more about configuring FILESTREAM feature in SQL Server 2008. Click Next to save the configuration changes and to continue the wizard.

14. On Analysis Services Configuration “Account Provisioning” tab which users will have administrative privileges for analysis services needs to be specified.

Click Analysis Services Configuration “Data Directories” tab to specify non default installation directory.

15. On the Reporting Services Configuration screen there are three choices available to configure reporting services. The options are:
a) Install the native mode default configuration
b) Install the SharePoint integrated mode default configuration
c) Install, but do not configure the report server
Make the right choice as per the requirements and click Next to continue with the wizard.

16. Error and Usage Reporting Screen select both the checkbox to send the information’s related to SQL Server Error Reports and information related to the hardware configuration.

17. SQL Server 2008 Setup will run rules to determine if there are any issues to prevent the installation from succeeding. Should any issues be identified, they must be resolved before setup can proceed. The summary will be shown under Installation Rules screen. If there are no issues identified, click Next to continue with the installation.

18. Quickly review the features selected for installation on the “Ready to Install” screen. Click Install to begin the installation of SQL Server.

19. Progress can be monitored on the Installation Progress screen. Once completed successfully the status for each feature selected for installation will read Success. Click Next to see the installation summary report.

20. On the Complete screen the location for the SQL Server 2008 Installation Summary log is provided. Click Close to complete the SQL Server 2008 installation.

Thank U please send me comment

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